Sunday, April 1, 2007

April Fool!

My parents get me every year...especially my mom...she always calls me with some foolish story that her sweet, trusting daughter will believe and then - WHAM - April Fool gets trown in my face! Well, this morning I finally took my revenge. I called and ended up speaking to my dad (mom still has it coming!) and told him my water broke (baby due in 2 weeks - cruel joke I know, but I was desperate!) He gets all excited and starts to plan what time they're going to leave, as they live 3 1/2 hours away.
But, before I let him off the phone, I let the cat out of the bag and tell him APRIL FOOL! He was completely shocked but, he even admitted that it was a pretty darn good one!
Now - if only my water would REALLY break and I could meet this little guy!

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