Tuesday, July 24, 2007

So little time...

I have so many photo shoots to tell you about and so little time to do it before we leave for our destination wedding in Mexico...my posts might be brief but I've gotta show you these great photos...let's think quality, not quantity! :)
Here's Dani, she's one of our senior spokesmodels and this is her 2nd shoot...you might remember her from some photos this past Spring:

Here's Jenae and Will, the wedding we photographed this past weekend. Isn't Jenae gorgeous?! I swear she could be a model. We got creative inside the church basement with some funky chairs since Jenae's eyes are super sensitive to sunlight. The shots came out pretty sweet!

Here's Aaron, a high school senior and our neighbor! It was fun taking his photos, he's a super nice kid!

Here's Brian, another high school senior. I absolutely love this second shot - I think it just fits his personality really well, and it shows off his favorite green shirt!

Finally, here's the Hartzler family. They're relatives of ours and wanted to take a family photo before Jon heads out of town again (he's in the army.) I just love this first photo - they're such a cute family!

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